CTEC - Awards and Recognition
Career and Technology Education
Specialist Council Awards
Current executive members of the CTEC are not eligible for nomination. Nominations shall be sent to the ATA Staff Advisor of the Career and Technology Education Council. Names of unsuccessful nominees may, after consultation with the nominator, be brought forward annually for re-nomination.
Tim Kilburn Memorial Awards for Teacher Excellence
The Teacher Excellence Award is presented annually to a member who has provided exemplary services to the CTEC discipline during the year. The recipient receives a plaque, a framed certificate, and one CTEC conference registration. The council may award up to five per year. Criteria for the award are:
- Years of teaching experience;
- Nature of involvement in the Career and Technology Education subject area(s);
- Professional activities;
- Involvement in curriculum development and/or in-service;
- Creative input into the instruction of Career and Technology Education;
Karen Kiefer Memorial Awards for Teacher Excellence
This Award is presented annually to a member, within their first 5 years of teaching, who has provided exemplary services to the CTEC discipline during the
year. Criteria for the award are:
- Years of teaching experience;
- Nature of involvement in the Career and Technology Education subject area(s);
- Professional activities;
- Involvement in curriculum development and/or in-service;
- Creative input into the instruction of Career and Technology Education;
Outstanding Service Award - Service to CTEC
- Outstanding service to the council;
- Membership with the council will not be necessary;
- Leadership;
- Curriculum and professional development activities; and
- Liaison with other agencies.
Distinguished Service Award - For a Retiring or Retired Teacher
- Must be nominated by a member of the council;
- Must be a retiring or a retired member; and
- Significant contributions to the council and profession.
CTEC Teacher Excellence Award Recipients
2023 - Lloyd Bloomfield, Deborah MacFadyen, Stephen Schultz, Ian Stewardson, Chad Johnston
2022 - Justin Gabinet
2018 - Deanna Miller
2017 - Susannah Killey
2011-2012-Paul Couillard | Gary Thoreson
2010 - Paul Allard
2009 - Karen Morden-Babick | Elaine Marko | Christopher Yeo
2007 - Mark Macaraeg
2005 - Ron Doig | Roseanne Martyniuk
2004 - Yoda Taylor
2002 - Laara Exsnar
2001 - Charles Salomon
2000 - Joanne Elkow
1999 - Lionel Campeau | Paula Brosseau
1998 - Deborah Gargus

Susannah Killey
2017 Teacher Award Winner

Click here to nominate
a Teacher for 2024.